How To Copy From Pdf To Excel

Active6 months ago
  1. Import A Pdf Into Excel
  2. How To Convert From Pdf To Excel Online
  3. How To Copy Numbers From Pdf To Excel
  4. How To Convert Pdf To Excel
  5. Paste Pdf Into Excel
  6. How To Convert From Pdf To Excel Format
  7. How To Copy Content From Pdf To Excel

A PDF's content can be displayed in programs other than Adobe Reader, including Excel. Adobe Reader allows you to copy PDF content, with custom options for the copying method, which you can paste into an Excel document to illustrate a report. Dec 07, 2017  Rather than copy and paste, Acrobat X exports to an Excel workbook from where you can transfer into an existing table if required. To save a specific table from a PDF document, draw a selection box around it, right-click the selection and choose Export Selection As, then choose Excel Workbook from the file type menu.

When I copy data in a table like this from a PDF, it gets translated into plain text without any delimiting characters to distinguish which column the data is in.

It would be helpful if I could highlight only a single column in the pdf at a time, but it currently tries to select left to right both columns as I highlight. Is there any trick for this?

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Luke AllenLuke Allen

4 Answers

Import A Pdf Into Excel

Holding down the Alt key should allow you to select a column of text.

(Note: I've only tested this with Acrobat Pro, not Acrobat Reader.)

How To Convert From Pdf To Excel Online

Mike FitzpatrickMike Fitzpatrick
14.8k4 gold badges37 silver badges41 bronze badges

You can use the Microsoft word 'Convert to table' function outlined here.

Belle Fourche, SD The Crack Team - Black Hills Windshield Repair Family owned and operated business for 22 years. Tom and Brenda Schnieder, the owners, started the business in the Black Hills and surrounding area in 1991. The Crack Team - Black Hills Windshield Repair, Belle Fourche. Family owned and operated business for 28 years. Tom and Brenda Schnieder, the. The crack team belle fourche.

It's not exactly what you need but at least it is quicker.


Try to upload it to Google Docs and then save as XLS file, it should work


It's not straight forward, however there are a large number of free or cheap services in the cloud for extracting such tables from PDFs.

Please find below the comparison table automated table extraction solutions according to Zanran:

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So based on above, you may consider Zanran's Table Xtractor which has ability to finds the tables in your PDFs and converts them to Excel.

How To Copy Numbers From Pdf To Excel


How To Convert Pdf To Excel

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Paste Pdf Into Excel

protected by CommunityMay 11 at 15:46

How To Convert From Pdf To Excel Format

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